Dr. David "Kip" Corbin, DC, CCSP
Our goal is to provide our patients pain relief using a tailored treatment plan that targets injured Discs with non-intrusive & nonchemical treatments.
Education and Teaching Experience
Dr. Kip Corbin has worked with LSU athletics, the Olympic Medical Committee, pro-athlete, and non-athletes for back-neck-shoulder-feet injuries, and other problems. We treat aches, pains, sprains, strains, pinch nerves, etc. Also, in private practice mixed medical and chiropractic. From 2008-2010 head of outpatient rehab Stanocola Medical Center.
Education - Continuing Education
• Postgrad: Texas Chiropractic College (LA license #558)
• CoxFDSD (Coxflexion-Distraction Spinal Decompression)
• Researched at Loyola School of Medicine in Chicago
▪ 84-92% effective for treating Herniated disc, facet joints, spinal stenosis, spinal injuries, coxtechnic.com, certified practitioner
• Spine Research Institute of San Diego.com - 180 hours post grad studies
o Advanced studies for MIST (mild impact spinal trauma-LOSRIC. Imaging for MVC injuries
▪ Mild Traumatic Brain Injuries (MTBI) o Colossuses maximize value in reports
o Avoiding Frye-Daubert arguments inlimine
• Cold Laser - 860nm-920nm Laser Class IV &3B treatment for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, tendonitis, injury healing, inflammation reduction, plantar fasciitis, etc. completed training 2002.
• Certified Dry Needling
• Advanced Imaging-reading and diagnosis for x-ray, CT scan, MRI, and DTI-MRI, SPECT scanning for spinal injuries and MTBI (concussion)
▪ Multiple classes latest Fall 2021. Use of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy.
• Expert Witness Testimony training by Author Croft Ph.D, M.P.H., and D.C. Andrew Gelman J.D. (Gelman helped write the Colossus software)
o 2018 completed multiple classes. Have given testimony and depositions in multiple Louisiana state jurisdictions.
• Board Certificated in sport injuries 1991 American Chiropractic Association. Council on Sport Injuries, 150 hours. *Board Exam = C.C.S.P. – Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician
Teaching Experience
• Senior Kinesiology Intern Clinic for Southeastern Louisiana University
• Medical Training College-internship clinic
• Guest Lectures for Kinesiology classes at LSU
• Blue Cliff Massage Therapy School-Anatomy classes
• Cox Flexion Distraction Spinal Decompression at Texas Chiropractic College, Houston campus
• Intern Clinic for Medical Training College.
• Intern Clinic for United States Sports Academy, Daphne, AL.